As we reached the construction site, a scene of bustling activity presented itself. 到了工地,一派繁忙的景象展现在眼前。
The Flu Trends site displays results of its analysis in a five-tier scale of flu activity ranging from'minimal'to'intense,'with a middle point of'moderate. ' FluTrends网站会显示出分析结果,并用从“微弱”(minimal)、“中等”(moderate)到“剧烈”(intense)等五个等级来衡量流感活动。
Tell-tale signs include reports of activity at a long-range missile site and hints of activity at a nuclear test site. 令人不安的迹象包括一个远程导弹基地相关活动的报道和核试验场所的活动迹象。
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism ( SNP) site is the main content of genetic polymorphism study, which includes detection of gene type and research on function and activity. SNP位点是目前基因多态性研究的主要内容,包括检测分型和功能活性研究两个层次,已经建立了高度自动化和高通量的SNP检测分型技术。
Effects of Calmodulin-binding site mutant of myosin light chain kinase on myosin ATPase activity 肌球蛋白轻链激酶CaM结合位点突变体对肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的影响
The site was effectively closed to tourists for several years because of guerrilla activity in the region along with concerns about the impact of unregulated tourist traffic. 该网站被关闭,因为有效的游击活动,几年来一直在与游客对旅游交通的影响不受管制的地区的关注。
Site Design of Children's Activity Area in Comprehensive Park 对综合公园儿童活动区场地设计的研析
For this they must be able to design chemical reactors, which lie at the heart of most chemical plants, and are the site of all this frenetic activity. 为此,他们必须能够设计出作为大多数化工厂的心脏的反应器,所有激烈的反应都在里面发生。
The construction site of a new school was a hive of activity. 一所新学校的建筑工地上一片繁忙紧张的景象。
The whole construction site was a hive of activity. 整个建筑工地一派繁忙的景象。
In addition to site usage statistics, you can track how much storage space your site is taking up and the level of activity that your site is generating. 除了网站使用率的统计信息之外,还可以跟踪网站所占用的存储空间量和网站生成的活动级别。
This site is available to engineering construction in the presence of fault activity. 因此,就断层活动性而论,该场地是适于工程建设的。
However, different dating results are usually given for the same fault in some engineering site areas, it leads to dispute and can't make correct assessment of the fault activity. 然而,一个工程同一条断层会出现不同的测年结果,从而引起争议和难予决断。
And after removal of the site of ARE 2, luciferase activity showed a 1/ 2 decrease. 切除ARE2后,荧光素酶活性与单纯切除ARE1相比下降1/2;
The added Cu(ⅱ) enter into A site of active sites of AKP which decrease enzyme activity. 结果发现:外加Cu(Ⅱ)离子进入AKP活性中心位点,取代了活性中心位点的Zn(Ⅱ),使酶活性下降。
Relationship between site of sulfate groups in cellulose sulfate and their anticoagulation activity 硫酸酯基的位置与纤维素硫酸酯抗凝血活性关系
AIM: To study the biological activities of designed synthesis of low molecular polypeptides based on the functional site sequence of Fibronectin so as to explore its function in the process of regulating the cell activity. 目的:观察一种基于Fibronectin功能位点序列设计人工合成的小分子多肽体外的功能活性,探讨其在调控细胞功能活性中的作用。
Site schedule control is an important link of whole project control, and platform fabrication is a critical activity of Pinghu oil and gas field development project. 报告。平湖油气田工程现场进度控制是整个项目控制过程中的一个重要环节,平台建造是整个平湖油气田项目的关键活动之一。
In the present article, the site of metabolism occurred, the drug metabolic enzymes, the mode of metabolism and excretion as well as the activity and toxicity of metabolites of antimicrobial agents are discussed and reviewed here with examples. 本文总结了抗菌药物在人体内的代谢部位、代谢酶、代谢和排泄方式及代谢物活性和毒性并给出例子加以说明。
Mutation of Arginines Near the Active Site Cys 124 of Human Dual-specificity Phosphatase and Its Effect on the Enzymatic Activity 人双专一性磷酸酶活性位点Cys~(124)附近精氨酸突变及功能
The article summarizes the biological function and enzymology of protoporphyrinogen oxidase ( PPO), site of action and mode of action of inhibitors of this class, their herbicidal effects, relationship of structure and activity, and weed resistance of PPO inhibitors 概述了原卟啉原氧化酶(PPO)的生理功能和酶学特征,该类抑制剂的作用位点和作用方式,除草效果,构效关系研究及该类抑制剂的杂草抗性等问题
The quality deterioration of water supply is an issue of safety and/ or environment involving agricultural pollution, industrial site sources of pollution, as well as lifestyles and activity patterns causing the pollution. 水质的恶化涉及农业面源污染、工业点源污染以及人们生活方式及其活动形式造成的环境污染,是安全问题,也是环境问题。
Their active site, way of action and structure activity relationship have been discussed on the basis of structure electronic structure and correlative analogs. 进行了电子结构和其它相关比较,发现它们具有相似的电子结构特征,且活性部位空间结构相似,表示在与受体作用时具有共同的结构特征和作用方式。
With the popular of national fitness route, how to design site rationally and scientific layout of national fitness route in order to play an effective way in national fitness activity become urgent problem to be solved. 随着全民健身路径的普及,如何对全民健身路径进行合理选址以及科学布局,使其在群众健身活动中发挥更有效的作用,已成为急需解决的问题。
Precipitation deposited active site of immobilized lipaes. The results showed that using the macroporous resins to immobilize lipaes, the enzyme activity was high, and distribution of activated enzyme was uniform. 结果表明:以合成出的大孔吸附树脂为固定化酶载体,酶活较高,活性脂肪酶分布较均匀。
Thioredoxin binding protein-2 is a negative regulatory protein of thioredoxin. It interacts with the activity site of thioredoxin, and inhibits the redox activity of thioredoxin. 硫氧还蛋白结合蛋白-2是硫氧还蛋白的负调控蛋白,能与硫氧还蛋白的活性位点结合,抑制硫氧还蛋白的氧化还原活性。
The so-called production line is products manufacturing in the process of production on the line, which is beginning from raw materials into the production site. It is a route of a series of production line activity including processing, transport, assembly, test and so on. 所谓生产线就是指产品在生产过程中所经过的路线,即从原料进入生产现场开始,经过加工、运送、装配、检验等一系列生产线活动所构成的路线。
Found on the hypoglycemic effect is Polygonatum polysaccharide through the separation of the active site of Polygonatum, selection the site with hypoglycemic activity. 通过对黄精活性部位的分离,筛选出具有降血糖活性的部位,发现黄精中起降糖作用的是黄精多糖。
The responded signals can be detected only on neighboring electrodes near the stimulating site in partial area of substrate having the same spontaneous activity patterns, which indicates the establishment of a good electrical contact between the neuronal network and the recording electrodes. 在具有相似自发神经元活动模式网络区域中,邻近刺激位点的电极上检测到诱导响应信号,表明神经元网络的形成并与电极之间建立了良好的电接触。
The historical site is retention thing of human social development and the cultural activity, reflecting the life style of each era in each place concretely. 古迹是人类社会发展与文化活动之留存证物,具体地反映每个地方每个时代的生活方式。